

Open Source

AlegroCart is a free open source e-commerce shopping cart solution based on MVC Framework. You can have your own shopping cart operational in a very short time, which can be managed through administration by you and your staff.

Demonstration (Demo) on creators official web. Demos are the 'basic install' only, no add-ons, no content.

Open Cart

Open Cart
Open Source

OpenCart is a turn-key ready "out of the box" shopping cart solution. You simply install, select your template, add products and you're ready to start accepting orders.

It has order management and multiple payment gateways already built in and we provide lifetime free support and free software updates.

Demonstration (Demo) on creators official web. Demos are the 'basic install' only, no add-ons, no content.

Commerce Drupal·7

Commerce Drupal·7

Commerce Kickstart is the quickest way to get up and running with Drupal Commerce. It includes the latest versions of Drupal core, Drupal Commerce, and the other modules it depends on. It also gives you a set of options to create a fully-featured demo store out of the box complete with an attractive theme, catalog and search configuration, and a custom back office interface.

Demonstration (Demo) installed on Example-Web. This demo is a "Basic Installation" without extensions, and only low sample content.

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